Tuesday, July 19, 2011

9 Weeks

That's me at 9 weeks! Photo was taken during the 
12th T'nalak Festival street dance competition.  

I really didn't want to post this photo because I don't look pretty here. I look pale, I feel like my nose and face looks puffy, and I think I look like a guy! Hahaha! Maybe, I'm having a baby boy...hmmmm...

For the past weeks, I get tired easily, feeling sleepy all the time, and I've noticed that my appetite is not as good as before.But, thank God, I can still eat and I haven't experienced any morning sickness yet. I am also craving for sour and salty foods like green mangoes dipped in shrimp paste, calamansi juice, santol dipped in vinegar, and turnips dipped in vinegar with soy sauce...yum! I wonder what I'll be craving for next.

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