Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Period or Pregnancy Signs?!

It's been a week since I got the negative pregnancy test result and I can't help but wonder if we didn't really make it. In addition to this anxiety, I am already feeling some pre-menstruation signs - food cravings, increased appetite, aches and pains, swelling boobs and dizzy spells.

For the past days, I've been bugging my husband to buy me something sour, specifically, santol (sour tropical fruit) and dipping sauce called sukang pinakurat (a special coconut-based and spiced vinegar, which originated from Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte). Today, he finally bought me some. A friend who stopped by at our house caught me eating these and said that it looks more like I'm having pregnancy-related cravings than pre-period signs! Haha!

I wanted to agree, but stopped before I give myself any false hopes. And, isn't it too early to have cravings? Well, who knows!


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