Hello there! Hope you had a great New Year celebration! I did and I have to say that in our neighborhood, not much people had fireworks or firecrackers, so there was less air pollution and accidents. :-)
This is my first post for 2012 and I'm looking forward to writing more about the good things God has in store for me and my family this New Year. Honestly, I still can't believe that it's already 2012! It's like, I'm having a hangover of 2011. The past year was filled with so many new experiences for me...getting pregnant, moving in with the in-laws, enjoying and sometimes hating being a bum, and starting this online baby journal. The year 2011 was a great year for us, filled with blessings, favor and God's continuous display of His love and provision.
For the year 2012, I believe, it is going to be even more exciting. In more or less than a month from now, we'll finally get to meet our baby, Euan Jedric. I'm sure that he will turn our world upside down, but in a good way! In about 6 to 8 weeks from now, we are going to be officially parents and technically, a family.
To start the year right, we went to visit the OB for my monthly prenatal check-up. Dra. Bendita based my AOG (Age of Gestation) on the latest
ultrasound I had last month, making me 33-34 weeks pregnant today, as compared to the 32 weeks if based on my LMP (Last Menstrual Period). I gained a whopping 10 pounds from my
December check-up, which makes me 138 lbs heavy. My blood pressure is 90/60 and the fundal height measures 30 cm. She strictly advised me to take daily walks as my exercise so that I won't have a hard time giving birth. There goes my first New Year's resolution! Haha! ;-)
The things is, I don't really believe in resolutions...hehe. But, I will definitely exercise regularly in preparation for delivery. We are also planning to buy some newborn baby essentials next week. We're not buying much for now because we're only gonna stay here for two months after Euan comes out. We're leaving out large items that we won't be able to carry back to Iloilo. We'll just purchase more baby stuff once we get back to Iloilo.
That's it for today. I have to sleep now for my early morning walk tomorrow. Good night everyone!